Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stim baby stim

Last night I took my first dose of Gonal-f (300 IU).  This med was completely new to me so I was a little bit nervous about taking it.  I watched the video online a few times (yeah, I'm loser) so that I felt more comfortable with doing it.  Everything went well- no bleeding or bruising so far.  I do 300 IU again tonight then decrease to 150 IU tomorrow while I add in 150 IU of Menopur.  I've heard quite a few negatives about Menopur so I'm not looking forward to that.  I go for blood work Tuesday morning and get new directions after that.  So far I'm feeling pretty good about it all.


  1. Good luck with the Gonal-F, this was my first cycle with it too. The freedom pharmacy video is the best. The gonal-f vials are overfilled by about 100 units by the way.

    I've done menopur both cycles now-it seems to make me nauseated, but other than that, it's not too bad.

    Good luck with this cycle and keep us posted on how its going! All the best.

  2. Good luck Lora!! I don't think I had any issues with Menopur....hope you don't either!
