Friday, October 28, 2011


Everything went well with the transfer today. We transferred two grade 3 (out of 4) eight cell embryos that were treated with the assisted hatching process. Dr. G was very optimistic, which was much better than our worries from our first transfer after growth had slowed. Along with the picture of the embryos above, we received a picture of the embryos post-transfer. If you look at the right dark spot in the picture, you can see some white specks- those are the embryos and the fluid used to transfer them.  We are trying to be hopeful and could use and prayers to help us out!


  1. Beautiful Embryos! Congratulations on being PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise)!

  2. BEAUTIFUL! Thoughts, prayers, and crossed fingers for you!!!!!

  3. Lora...thinking sticky and positive thoughts for you! oxo!
