It's hard to believe that my little Noah will be 10 weeks old on Thursday! He is growing so fast. We are guessing he is around 13 pounds (we have his 2 month appointment next week). He can hold his head up really well now. He smiles and makes all sorts of facial expressions. We are super lucky that Noah is an awesome sleeper (like his Dad). He is usually asleep by 10ish and sleeps until around 8 each morning and has been doing this for a few weeks now! He is a wonderful little boy. I'm quite lucky that I'm still off from school and have until November 13th with him.
For me, breastfeeding was really difficult. They don't tell you how hard it can be in the hospital. They just let you know how natural it is. I started with problems in the hospital when Noah couldn't latch onto my flat nipples and needed a nipple shield. Well he wasn't eating enough with using that and never could get the hang of latching without it. I'm pretty much pumping all the time and giving him milk through bottles. I've also had a clogged duct as well as a round of mastitis (which was awful). I think we've gotten into a good routine and Noah seems happy and healthy, which is all that matters to me.
I've lost my pregnancy weight (yay) and now want to lose what I refer to as my infertility weight. That would be the weight I put on over the 3 years of trying to get pregnant. This includes what I gained from the meds as well as eating in depression. It's time to get rid of it and stay healthy for my little man!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Noah Richard
Well I'm extremely behind on this blogging business so I figured it was time for an update. Noah Richard entered the world on July 26, 2012 at 12:19 pm at 21 inches and weighing in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces. Today he is 3 weeks old!
I ended up being induced in order to get Noah into the world. On Wednesday, July 25th, I had to report to the hospital at 7:30 pm to get started with the induction. The plan was to use this drug called Cervidil for 12 hours to help ripen my cervix and then start the Pitocin the following morning. Matt was going to stay home that night and I would just try to get some sleep at the hospital. The Cervidil was inserted at around 8:45 pm. Matt was going to hang around for a few hours to make sure all was ok and then head out. Well about a half hour later I started feeling intense pains and felt miserable. The medication brought on contractions and sent me into labor. Needless to say, Matt did not go home for sleep that night (neither of us got any sleep).
By midnight I think I was around 4 cm having gone into the hospital stuck at 2 cm for the past 3 weeks. My water broke on its own at around that time. After that things got miserable. My contractions were only a few minutes apart and extremely intense. I think at around 2 am I got the epidural and by 6 am I was at 9 cm. The plan was to start pushing at around 7 am. I started pushing and then the nurse realized that Noah was sunny side up (head facing out rather than in). I spent a few hours pushing and flipping from side to side in hopes of getting him to reverse back to the correct position.
Unfortunately we had no luck with that. At around 11 am my OB decided that we had tried enough and I would be having a c-section. I was extremely nervous at this point and just kind of lost track of time after that. I do remember hearing Noah cry for the first time and just crying my face off. Matt was amazing at trying to calm me down and shared the news with both of our moms who had been at the hospital all night and morning.
Noah is absolutely wonderful. He is now 9 pounds and just adorable. We had a busy couple weeks with family visiting and his Baptism on August 12th. Holding him and snuggling him makes all of the struggles worth while. He has stolen my heart and I treasure every moment I have with him.
I ended up being induced in order to get Noah into the world. On Wednesday, July 25th, I had to report to the hospital at 7:30 pm to get started with the induction. The plan was to use this drug called Cervidil for 12 hours to help ripen my cervix and then start the Pitocin the following morning. Matt was going to stay home that night and I would just try to get some sleep at the hospital. The Cervidil was inserted at around 8:45 pm. Matt was going to hang around for a few hours to make sure all was ok and then head out. Well about a half hour later I started feeling intense pains and felt miserable. The medication brought on contractions and sent me into labor. Needless to say, Matt did not go home for sleep that night (neither of us got any sleep).
By midnight I think I was around 4 cm having gone into the hospital stuck at 2 cm for the past 3 weeks. My water broke on its own at around that time. After that things got miserable. My contractions were only a few minutes apart and extremely intense. I think at around 2 am I got the epidural and by 6 am I was at 9 cm. The plan was to start pushing at around 7 am. I started pushing and then the nurse realized that Noah was sunny side up (head facing out rather than in). I spent a few hours pushing and flipping from side to side in hopes of getting him to reverse back to the correct position.
Unfortunately we had no luck with that. At around 11 am my OB decided that we had tried enough and I would be having a c-section. I was extremely nervous at this point and just kind of lost track of time after that. I do remember hearing Noah cry for the first time and just crying my face off. Matt was amazing at trying to calm me down and shared the news with both of our moms who had been at the hospital all night and morning.
Noah is absolutely wonderful. He is now 9 pounds and just adorable. We had a busy couple weeks with family visiting and his Baptism on August 12th. Holding him and snuggling him makes all of the struggles worth while. He has stolen my heart and I treasure every moment I have with him.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Due Date
Well it looks like our little guy is going to be making a late arrival. Today is the big due date and there is no sign of him coming. I had an ultrasound, non-stress test and appointment yesterday. He looks great and it just comfy cozy right now. I go back again Monday and they will schedule an induction for next Thursday or Friday if he hasn't shown up at that point. Matt likes to joke that he is just like him already- hitting the snooze button and getting some extra sleep before making his arrival!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
38 weeks
How Far Along: 38
Size of Baby: 19-22
inches, 7 pounds, watermelon (according to my phone app)
Maternity Clothes: Peace out regular clothes, see ya in the fall!
Weight Gain: 20 pounds
Belly: I feel enormous
Stretch Marks: A couple.
Sleep: It's been better but only because I'm done with school and can sleep as late as I want.
Best Moment of the Week: Hearing from the doc that his head is down (and she could feel it), I'm 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced- let's get this show moving!
Movement: I feel him all the time. I still get panicky when I don't feel him for a few hours so I guess I'm a little crazy!
Symptoms: Exhausted, heartburn, acid reflux.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: It's a boy! We have his name all set and can't wait to share it once he arrives.
What I Miss: Walking like a normal person!
What I'm Looking Forward To: 12 days until the due date so hopefully meeting my little guy real soon.
Weekly Wisdom: It's all worth it in the end.
Milestones: He is a full term baby that could come any day now :)
Emotions: Nervous and excited.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
31 weeks
Whoa it's been a while since I've looked at or written on the blog. Oops! Things have been hectic to say the least- but all in a good way. I had my baby shower back on April 28th. It was absolutely wonderful! I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family! Childbirth class was yesterday. It was somewhat overwhelming but I'm ready to get this show moving! The hospital seemed great and is only about 10 minutes from home. I was actually born at that hospital almost 30 years ago. I have 5 weeks left of school (WOOHOO) and then it's time to just wait for our little man to join us.
Weight Gain: 14 pounds
Belly: It's growing...
Stretch Marks: A couple.
Sleep: Hasn't been great. I'm either up using the bathroom, feeling like my boy is practice karate or can't get comfortable.
Best Moment of the Week: Childbirth class, almost deciding on his name
Movement: Feeling it everyday now.
Symptoms: Exhausted, heartburn, acid reflux.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: It's a boy!
What I Miss: Same as last time- having a drink after a long day at school!
What I'm Looking Forward To: School ending for the year, finishing up the nursery.
Weekly Wisdom: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...hurry up summer!
Milestones: Less than 9 weeks to go
Emotions: Very blessed and lucky
How Far Along: 31
Size of Baby: 19
inches, 3.9 pounds, head of lettuce (according to my phone app)
Maternity Clothes: Peace out regular clothes, see ya in the fall!
Maternity Clothes: Peace out regular clothes, see ya in the fall!
Weight Gain: 14 pounds
Belly: It's growing...
Stretch Marks: A couple.
Sleep: Hasn't been great. I'm either up using the bathroom, feeling like my boy is practice karate or can't get comfortable.
Best Moment of the Week: Childbirth class, almost deciding on his name
Movement: Feeling it everyday now.
Symptoms: Exhausted, heartburn, acid reflux.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: It's a boy!
What I Miss: Same as last time- having a drink after a long day at school!
What I'm Looking Forward To: School ending for the year, finishing up the nursery.
Weekly Wisdom: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...hurry up summer!
Milestones: Less than 9 weeks to go
Emotions: Very blessed and lucky
Thursday, April 5, 2012
25 weeks
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of Baby: 9 inches, 1.7 pounds, eggplant sized (according to my phone app)
Maternity Clothes: Peace out regular clothes, see ya in the fall!
Maternity Clothes: Peace out regular clothes, see ya in the fall!
Weight Gain: 7 pounds
Belly: It's growing...
Stretch Marks: 1- yuck.
Sleep: I swear I've developed insomnia. I'm up a few times a night and can't seem to just sleep well anymore.
Best Moment of the Week: Working on the nursery!
Movement: Feeling it everyday now.
Symptoms: Exhausted, heartburn.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: It's a boy!
What I Miss: Same as last time- having a drink after a long day at school!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Continuing to get things set for our little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: A few friends from my support group have had a hard time lately with failed cycles and miscarriages. I wish I could help them see that all the pain will be so worth it. I would repeat those 3 years of trying to end up where I am right now.
Milestones: 15 weeks to go!
Emotions: Very blessed and lucky :)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
22 weeks
It was somewhat of a rough week but we've made it on to 22 weeks. The rough stuff started early Monday morning. I woke up at 2 am and was in a lot of pain on my right ab area. It didn't go away at all and I couldn't sleep. I called my OB and got in for an appointment. After some checking around, it was determined I had a kidney/urinary infection. I have never had anything like this before so I was kind of surprised. I was put on antibiotics for a week and go back next Tuesday for my routine checkup. The only good part about the whole day was getting to see my little guy and know that he is doing wonderfully.
Friday, March 9, 2012
21 weeks
How Far Along: 21 weeks
Size of Baby: 8 inches, 1 pound, spaghetti squash sized (according to my phone app)
Maternity Clothes: Peace out regular clothes, see ya in the fall!
Maternity Clothes: Peace out regular clothes, see ya in the fall!
Weight Gain: 3 pounds
Belly: It's growing...
Stretch Marks: 1- yuck.
Sleep: I crave sleep!!
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling my little guy kick/do somersaults more and more each day.
Movement: Feeling it everyday now.
Symptoms: Exhausted, heartburn.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: It's a boy!
What I Miss: Same as last time- having a drink after a long day at school!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting to work on our nursery.
Weekly Wisdom: Just enjoying every minute of this pregnancy and preparing for our boy.
Milestones: Over half way there and he's hit the one pound mark!!
Emotions: Very blessed and lucky :)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Flutter Flutter
Today marks 19 weeks and the first time that I am certain that I'm feeling our little man kick and/or punch!!! I've been feeling weird little flutters that felt like a bubble for maybe a week but it was just a one time things scattered here and there. This afternoon while watching Dr. Phil I felt it continually for about 5 minutes and a few scattered times since then. It is the most strange but exciting feeling! Our little guy was quite the mover at our ultrasound Monday so I guess I should get used to this!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
We're having a....
We're having a boy!!! I can honestly say that we were quite surprised! Matt and I had both been convinced by just about everyone that it would be a girl. We couldn't be happier! Our little man is looking great and looks healthy. He weighs about 10 ounces and his heartbeat was about 153. We feel so completely blessed that everything is going well!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
18 weeks
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Size of Baby: 5.5 inches, 5 ounces, sweet potato sized (according to my phone app)
Picture of Baby: Nothing new to share until February 20th- just a few days away
Maternity Clothes: I've given into the maternity pants and some shirts
Weight Gain: 2 pounds
Belly: I actually have a little belly now. My students have so kindly pointed that out to me this week.
Stretch Marks: None
Sleep: I'm still tired all the time and have been having trouble sleeping all night. I'm hoping having next week off from work will help some.
Best Moment of the Week: Starting to shop around Babies R Us and making decisions on furniture.
Movement: I've had a few little weird fluttery feelings that might be movement.
Symptoms: Exhausted,heartburn.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: We'll find out on February 20th- can't wait!
What I Miss: Having a drink after a long day at school!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out of it we are having a boy or girl!
Weekly Wisdom: It's not fat, it's baby chub.
Milestones: Almost half way there
Emotions: Very blessed and lucky
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Pink or Blue?
We are less than 2 weeks away from knowing if we are having a boy or girl! It's been fun and interesting hearing different opinions from family and friends on what it might be. The general consensus among our immediate family seems to be girl while friends and co-workers have been learning towards boy. We have no clue!
If you go by some old wives tales, all signs point towards a girl. For example, if the heartbeat is over 140, signs point towards a girl. All of our heartbeats have been over 160. Based on a Chinese Gender Predictor, a girl is on the way as well. Lastly, the Drano test revealed a girl as well. On a side note, the Drano test was correct for my mom having my sister and I, my sister's two kids and my cousin's wife. It should be interesting.
We plan on having our parents and grandparents over for dinner on the night of February 20th to reveal the gender. We are going to make cupcakes with either blue or pink frosting in the middle. We really want to enjoy every minute of what's going on after taking the long road to get here.
If you go by some old wives tales, all signs point towards a girl. For example, if the heartbeat is over 140, signs point towards a girl. All of our heartbeats have been over 160. Based on a Chinese Gender Predictor, a girl is on the way as well. Lastly, the Drano test revealed a girl as well. On a side note, the Drano test was correct for my mom having my sister and I, my sister's two kids and my cousin's wife. It should be interesting.
We plan on having our parents and grandparents over for dinner on the night of February 20th to reveal the gender. We are going to make cupcakes with either blue or pink frosting in the middle. We really want to enjoy every minute of what's going on after taking the long road to get here.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
First nursery purchase
Target is having a huge baby sale this week. Inspired by this, Matt and I made our first nursery purchase on Sunday. We purchased the Summer Infant Baby Touch Digital Monitor. It's a little over the top but we figured we'd be using it for a while. We had fun trying it out on Lucky. It seems like a great product. The camera can be moved from the hand-held base. It gives you a clear color picture, even in the dark. You can hear noises very well too. It was nice to start thinking ahead about our little one rather than looking backwards and being afraid.

Thursday, January 26, 2012
15 weeks
How Far Along: 15 weeks
Size of Baby: 4.5 inches, 2-3 ounces, navel orange sized (according to my phone app)
Picture of Baby: Nothing new to share until February 20th
Maternity Clothes: I've given into the maternity pants
Weight Gain: 1 pound
Belly: I have a little extra pudge that seems to be filling in
Stretch Marks: None
Sleep: I'm still tired all the time but it seems to be improving some. I'm still waking up a few times each night to use the bathroom, too.
Best Moment of the Week: Just getting further and further along. It's nice that Matt and I are actually starting to enjoy this and not be worried all the time.
Movement: Nope, too soon.
Symptoms: Exhausted, nausea, heartburn.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: We'll find out on February 20th.
What I Miss: Nothing really- maybe good Italian as red sauce kicks up my heartburn as well as sweets.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Celebrating 2 baby showers this weekend for 2 friends who have survived infertility. They gave me hope along the way.
Weekly Wisdom: Three years of struggle makes every moment of this that much more special.
Milestones: Out of the first trimester and into the 2nd!
Emotions: Very blessed and lucky
Friday, January 6, 2012
12 weeks
How Far Along: 12 weeks
Size of Baby: 3 inches, peach sized (according to my phone app)
Picture of Baby:
Size of Baby: 3 inches, peach sized (according to my phone app)
Picture of Baby:
Maternity Clothes: Nope- though I think it's time to start looking for some pants.
Weight Gain: Zero
Belly: It's starting to feel a little hard, which I guess means it's starting to be a belly.
Stretch Marks: None.
Sleep: I'm still tired all the time but it seems to be improving some. I'm still waking up a few times each night to use the bathroom, too.
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing our baby for the first time actually looking like a baby. He/she was sleepy when we first started the ultrasound but perked up after a bit. It was truly amazing to see he/she moving around and to know this is happening for real.
Movement: Nope, too soon.
Symptoms: Exhausted, nausea, heartburn.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: We'll find out on February 20th.
What I Miss: Peanut Butter- Matt has severe allergies to peanut butter and I heard it is good to avoid it if you or your spouse has allergies.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Shopping with my mom this weekend for maternity pants!
Nursery: It's an empty room upstairs right now that has been sitting for 3 years...soon enough we'll think about getting to work on it.
Weekly Wisdom: I'm just enjoying every minute of this experience.
Milestones: Family, friends and my students know all know that we are pregnant!
Emotions: Excited, nerves are calming down, extremely blessed and lucky!
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