Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Schedule and Protocol

I spoke to one of the nurses at the RE office this afternoon and set up my IVF schedule.  So here it is:

5/29 until 7/2- Active Birth Control Pills
6/22- Injection teaching appointment
6/27- start Lupron injections (following long Lupron protocol)
7/9- begin stims (Menopur and Follistim)
Week of 7/18- Retrieval and Transfer; all eggs will go through ICSI\

So my job right now is to just worry about the birth control.  I am so glad that almost all of the appointments will be once I am on summer vacation from school.  I think that will help so much to not have that stress! I also need to get ahold of my insurance company to check about prior-authorization and drug coverage.


  1. Lora, that's so exciting!
    I get very excited when I get my protocol. I know the BCP stage is a drag, but once you hit the injections stage it will go buy very quickly.
    Good luck!!!

  2. How are things going?? I hope well! School out for you yet?
